Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Hero in my Eyes

My mom is my hero because she has raised me ever since I was born. She has provided me with clothes, food and a place to live. She also gets involved to help out the community. My mom is also very strong she does not need any ones help raising us.

A Hero in my eyes

I admire Oscar De La Hoya because he is one of the greatest boxers. He has one many championship belts and knocked many other boxers out. He will never give up no matter how bad the match may look. He is also a good person even though he is famous. He has never been disrespectful in any of his boxing matches. No matter how much the other guy would yell at him he would stay calm and then knock him out in the ring. He is a respectful person and he is a good sport.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Literary device of the week- Alliteration

Last weekend I went with one of my friends to a party that I got invited to. We drove there in a car. I might have maybe met many more of my friends there if they did not live far. We were waiting for the food when we were there. We were a whole lot hungry hoping the food will hurry up, however our hunger kept on haunting us.
After the party was over we went cruising close to curves in a car. We stayed out late, my mom was asleep so there would be no berate. When I arrived home we stayed up watching movies and eating.